Friday, August 26, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to all malay friend~
for those friends who drive car to home town, please drive safe..

Think for your family before you speed~

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Useful tips: Revive a dying laptop battery

First, the basics
Most laptops use batteries that can last for 3-5 years, or about 1000 charges. (A premium laptop's battery might last longer.) Every time you charge your battery, the total capacity of the battery is diminished. Originally it may have had a run time of 3.5 hours, but after a year it'll run out of juice at 3 hours, even on a full charge.
If your battery capacity has diminished, there are a few things you can do about it. First, you have to correctly gauge how much capacity has been lost. There are free downloads to do this job, likeBattery Bar (for Windows PCs) or Coconut Battery (for Macs). These will compare your battery's current maximum capacity to how long it lasted when it was new.
(UPDATE- we originally recommended Battery Eater and while the program works great, their download site has been compromised and we are recommending an alternate program, Battery Bar downloadable from CNET.)
Calibrating your Battery
You can't miraculously reconstitute your battery's capacity. It loses power over time due to chemical reactions taking place in the battery, as it chugs along powering your laptop. You can't undo those changes, but there is one common battery issue you can fix: In many laptops, the operating system's battery meter gets out of sync with how much juice the battery actually has.
Imagine if the gas gauge on your car dashboard was misreading how much gas you actually had in the tank. You'd either run out of gas when you thought you had a quarter of a tank left, or you'd be filling up too frequently. In your laptop, this can mean your laptop shuts down abruptly when the meter says you have 30 minutes left. Or else the meter might warn that you only have 2 minutes of battery life left and shut your laptop down, when it really has another 20 minutes remaining.
Recalibrating gets the battery meter to correctly read the current state of the battery, so you and the operating system know where you stand with existing battery life.
How to recalibrate
First, charge your laptop's battery to full, and leave it that way for at least two hours. Then unplug your laptop, and set its power management settings to never turn off or lower the monitor brightness. (HP has instructions for how do to this on Windows 7 and Vista, as well as Windows XP, while Apple has instructions for Mac laptops on their site.)
You want to drain the battery completely, then let your laptop sit for at least five hours this way -- like, say, overnight. (Just be careful and mute the volume, since some laptops make a warning sound when they're about to run out.) Afterwards, charge it up again, and you should notice a more accurate portrayal of your battery capacity. In some cases, you may even get more life out of it.
Best practices to maintain battery life
You'd think that the best way to keep your laptop's battery from wearing out is to not use it. Right?
As it turns out, batteries are like muscles; they need to be worked out regularly to stay healthy. Ideally, you'd use your laptop unplugged at least once a day, like on a train or bus commute or on the couch in front of the TV. If you're not going to use it, constantly charging your battery is a bad idea;HP recommends on their website that if you're going to leave your laptop plugged in or put up in storage for more than two weeks, you should take the battery out of your laptop.
Past the expiration date
So when is it time to throw out that old battery? The answer, surprisingly, is "never." Laptop batteries contain lots of toxic chemicals, and should never end up in landfills. Fortunately, has a list of environmentally responsible recyclers that will take your old battery with no fuss.
When is it time to replace your battery, then? Use the free utility apps Becky mentioned, and when they say that your battery can only hold around 25% of its original capacity it's probably time for a new one. You can buy a replacement battery from the original laptop manufacturer, and there are plenty of places online that sell discounted PC laptop batteries, like Laptops for Less Owners of newer Mac laptops can get their laptop's non-removable battery swapped out at any Apple store, with a scheduled appointment.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Bought PIE~

9.6% return annually for sure to buy with this price, hope it can come down more, so can buy more.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Public Bank 45th Anniversary

This is how rich guy burn money.. haha..

Sunday, August 14, 2011


P.I.E  is giving consistent dividend 35 cents every year since year 2008, which translate to 9.7% base on current trading price RM 3.60

I am not sure whether there are others company can pay you such high dividend or not in the market, but I am sure this dividend yield is good enough to give a good return already. For those cannot take high risk in investment, maybe you can consider this company.

Based on P.I.E director's statement inside annual report 2010, they are respecting a growth from current world economy, the order starting to pick up and the result already shown in the latest quarter report, 30/6/2011. There is an increase of revenue by around 18% if compare with previous quarter report, 31/3/2011.

Beside that, there are two factories bought in at year 2010, which are expected to give contribution on year 2012. So, we can expect there will have a boost on earning at year 2012 unless there is very serious crisis happen at that time.

Conclusion, if you are a low risk investor, P.I.E definitely is a good investment stock for you with a return yield 9.7% plus a growth in these coming year. However, the market is not focusing on him, you can see its share price in these few years, no much movement for it, so please do not respect a capital appreciation from it as well.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


QE3: Goldman Sachs said a third round of QE3 by the US Fed is likely after the Fed promised to keep rates at low levels for at least two more years. It now sees a greater chance that the Fed will resume QE later 2011 or in early 2012.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

RCE Capital is hardly to die~

PETALING JAYA: Personal loan and consumer-financing services provider RCE Capital Bhd posted a 40.57% rise in net profit to RM33.22mil for the first quarter ended June 30 compared with a year ago.

This was achieved on higher interest income generated from the early settlement of loans and receivables.

Revenue rose 3.18% to RM60.75mil from a year ago.

RCE told Bursa Malaysia the profit was also boosted by fund placement activities as well as a RM3.8mil gain from the disposal of its investment in AmFirst REITs.

He is still alive and earn more than before~ :p

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Buffett Says Stay Calm, Stay the Course Buy-and-hold strategy can withstand credit downgrade

Although the markets are going haywire, there’s one bright ray of hope for investors watching the “smart money.” Namely, Warren Buffett isn’t freaked out by the credit downgrade.
Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.A) Chairman Warren Buffett told Fox Business Network the S&P credit downgrade of U.S. debt “doesn’t make sense.”
“I don’t get it,” Buffett said late Friday after the news of the S&P credit downgrade broke last week. He went on to say that not only is America’s debt still sound, it’s probably even stronger than ever. “In fact, if there were a quadruple-A rating, I’d give the U.S. that,” Buffett said.
Of course, Warren Buffett and his iconic company Berkshire Hathaway have a vested interest in such points of view. The company’s 10Q filing showed significant exposure to U.S. Treasury bonds. By Buffett’s own admission, Berkshire has “well over $40 billion” in short-term T-notes, and the S&P downgrade “doesn’t tempt me to sell.”
And to offer Buffett’s complete forecast, he also said the market won’t be affected much by the move — and in early trading, the market lurched down by as much as 3.5%. So much for that prediction.
Market slide aside, however, investors should take a tip from Mr. Buffett and resist overreacting to the credit downgrade. Yes, the Oracle of Omaha sees serious risks to the overall economy, including troubles in Europe, the risk of inflationary pressure and serious drag of high unemployment. But the credit downgrade by itself is not a game-changer for his strategy.
And neither should it be one for you.
Consider that over the weekend, Berkshire’s National Indemnity Co. threw out a $52-per-share cash offer for Transatlantic Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:TRH) to total $3.25 billion. This big move to buy even as the market is souring says a lot — but what says even more is that the offer actually was part of a bidding war with Allied World Assurance Co. (NYSE:AWH) for the reinsurance company.
Who engages in one-upsmanship to buy out a company when the stock market is moving quickly in the other direction? Only a long-term value guru like Buffett, whose buy-and-hold philosophy has served him well for decades. To him, the temporary gyration has nothing to do with the long-term value of Transatlantic. So his plan to acquire the reinsurer was unmoved.
Before you scoff that Buffett is just a bygone relic of an era during which stocks like General Electric (NYSE:GE) truly did have bulletproof dividends and it would have been unfathomable for stocks like General Motors (NYSE:GM) to go bankrupt, consider this: In September 2008, the depths of the financial crisis when nobody knew which bank would fail next, Buffett and Berkshire dumped $5 billion into preferred stock of Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS). Thanks to the 10% interest on those shares, Berkshire Hathaway earned a cool $500 million per year in dividends before Goldman bought back the stock several months ago. What’s more, the investment bank paid a hefty 10% premium to buy back those preferred shares.
Maybe it was crazy to jump into banks headfirst when the market was going haywire in 2008. But it was awfully profitable for Buffett.
You might think it’s crazy to stick to your buy-and-hold strategy now, or to continue to rely on U.S. Treasury Bonds. But take a deep breath and remember that not everyone is screaming and running for the hills. Yes, persistent problems with unemployment, the political bickering in Congress and the flatlining of our American economy are serious issues. But they are hardly new.
In short, you should have been paying attention to the cracks in America’s economic outlook for months now. And while the credit downgrade is another hairline fracture, it’s not in your best interest to place too much weight on this singular headline — no matter how dramatic it might seem.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Buffett says US downgrade 'doesn't make sense'

WASHINGTON — Investing guru Warren Buffett criticized the Standard & Poor's downgrade of the long-term US credit rating, saying it "doesn't make sense" and would have a limited impact on markets.
"I don't get it," the highly-respected founder and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway told Fox Business News late Friday, saying his Omaha, Nebraska-based company would hold onto its considerable trove of US Treasury bills.
"In Omaha, the US is still triple-A. In fact, if there were a quadruple-A rating, I'd give the US that," he said, hours after the S&P cut the US credit rating from a sterling AAA to an AA+.
Buffett said his firm holds well over $40 billion in short end T-bills and that the decision "doesn't tempt me to sell. We'll stay right there."
The billionaire investment wizard brushed off fears that the downgrade will roil world markets.
"If nothing else takes place, meaning, if all other variables hold and there isn't say, a new problem in Europe, it won't make any difference," he said, referring to the growing eurozone debt crisis.
"The US, to my knowledge, owes no money in currency other than the US dollar, which it can print at will. Now if you're talking about inflation, that's a different question," he added.
The S&P has defended its decision, attributing it in large part to political gridlock in Washington and the inability of Democrats and Republicans to agree on major spending cuts or revenue increases.

What do you think?

Friday, August 5, 2011

WOW~ Mega Sales~

I am busying with my work these few weeks, so do not pay much attention on stock. Today take a look on stock market while having a break and notice that all stocks are red. But I feel nothing at all, maybe I am too busy with my work, so also no mood to take a look on it.

By the way, since market is turning red, I think I have reserve some bullet for the market already, I wish the market can come down more, so I can get cheaper price.. :p