Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Equilibrium theory

We are born in the equilibrium world, everything at the end will come up at a balance point. When the market over-run, at the end, it will burst; When the market underperformed, then market will start to catch up; When something over supply, then the price will drop because demand is low; When supply is low but demand high, then the price will up until the supply can fulfill the demand.

When some new thing come up, there must be something to overcome it at the end. We are not need to too optimise on something and also not need to too depress on something. Human are born to adapt the life in this Earth. This theory can be apply at anywhere. No matter on market, relationship, finance, new rule and so on.

When the market bull run, always be careful about it, because it will turn down back; When the market bear run, prepare well your bullet, because the market will definitely come back in one day~

When politician announce some new policy, do not argue it if your argument cannot change the fact, what we can do is find out what can we do to suit the new policy. We are human, we have a brain, we should use it to find out is it any chance for us to get benefit from this new policy.

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