Saturday, December 25, 2010

Stemlife 0137 - Do you store your kid's cord blood already?

StemLife is a fully licensed cord blood and peripheral blood stem cell banking facility, under the PHFS Act 1998, Ministry of Health Malaysia.

At the moment, there are more than 32,000 clients have already stored their stem cells with StemLife.

What is the potential of this industry? Are this industry making money?

Lets see the growth of StemLife over these few years

Year - clients
2002 -      600
2003 -   1,100
2004 -   2,000
2005 -   5,000
2006 - 11,000
2007 - 18,000
2008 - 25,000
2009 - 32,000

Every year the clients base is growing, but however the rate seems slowing down after year 2007. From year 2007 to year 2008 and to year 2009, it only grow 7,000 clients constantly. It is not a healthy sign~

Base on the annual report 2010, the growth rate slow down is due to the war price fighting among the stem cell banking.

Currently market has around 3 to 4 stem cell banking offer the storage of stem cell. The price is around RM 4,000 plus.

Stem cell banking seems like a new business recently, but people are lacking of awareness of it. I believe this sector still need to take some time or promoting to boost up the sales.

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